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Follow the Chicken...

  • Zeitz MOCAA, V&A Waterfront Cape Town (map)

How do the cities we live in shape what we eat?

Where does our staple diet of chicken come from, and how does it get to the street trader or the supermarket?

A fascinating visual exploration of the African chicken as an emblematic symbol of larger food supply chains; food security is a key challenge in African urban explosion. The visual narrative offers a unique and evocative lens into the urban food system, the visible and intangible connections, the link to everyday existence, logistical and mobility networks; and unravels deeply rooted systemic challenges related to poverty, health, ecological sustainability and the formal - informal binary.

Introduction by Prof. Vanessa Watson - Professor of city planning in the UCT School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics and African Centre for Cities

Presentation by Dr. Jane Battersby - African Centre for Cities - Urban Geographer

Photographic work by Samantha Reinders (Photojournalist) and Masixole Feni (Photojournalist)

All events are free. No Zeitz MOCAA admittance fee is required.
Booking is essential. Please bring your Eventbrite ticket to confirm your registration.

Earlier Event: 17 January
Where is my space ?
Later Event: 19 January
Chicken Run